Thursday, August 5, 2010

Help, having problems cutting my toe nails. Any advice?

My toe nails are tough, I've never been able to use clippers and have even broken or bent nail scissors when trying to cut them. I'm 50 and I think my toe nails are getting harder as I'm getting older.Help, having problems cutting my toe nails. Any advice?
Yes, this is a problem that can occur when we get a little older. The very best thing to do is see a Chiropodist, he will cut the nails, and advise you of a product that may soften them for future. Good luck.Help, having problems cutting my toe nails. Any advice?
The previous answerer is correct, soaking does help many individuals. You might try cutting them following your bath or shower. Additionally you might purchase a stronger cutter or ask your podiatrist to cut them for you, many do it for a reasonable cost around $50 a visit and most visits are once each 60 - 90 days.

Hope this helps ...
Either soak your feet in water first or cut them right after taking a bath. The water will soften them up some. You might even want to talk to a pharmacist to see if there is an over the counter product that would help.
Soak your toes in hot water for like 15-30 min. Now try clipping the nails while the other foot is still in water.
Cheap fix: wire clippers.
Try a chainsaw.
Try a chainsaw

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