Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is it right if your company try to nail you with a problem which existed before you started?

The thing in question is a problem which was over looke by manager who is now trying to shaft me because of his incompetienceIs it right if your company try to nail you with a problem which existed before you started?
you've just joined the real worldIs it right if your company try to nail you with a problem which existed before you started?
That's a tough situation to be in. Is the company big enough that enough other employees know of his incompetency? Have you made friends with an employee, well enough that he would know of his incompetence and well enough that you can trust him or her? Do you have any evidence of his incompetency related to other problems? One of my teachers was in the same predicable once, as a new employee, and he wondered if he would be believed if he exposed a more experienced employee. He did tell the boss, and the other employee was fired. I guess it depends on what HIS superiors are like (I hope he has superiors). They may already be aware of his incompetencies. Also, is it a problem that could have developed as far as it has in the short time that you have been there?
You have entered the corporate world. a cut throat place where all is against you. Learn to swim fast! Report to upper management, tell them it is a problem that you walk into and not created. Second make clear that you have been trying to contain and delete the problem before it spun wildly. Last throw your immediate superiors under the bus tell the upper management that on numerous occasions you have not only informed them of the problem but also asked for advice and assistance coming up with a solution.
Of course it's not right.

That doesn't mean it's not going to happen anyway. That's life.

My suggestion is to apologize, fix it if you can and then prove to them that you're a hard worker etc. Don't play the blame game, but also, don't let it happen next time. You just have to be polite and corteous. Maybe act a little puzzled as to why you're being blamed, but make sure it comes off as innocent wondering.

Of course you could always do that this time, it's just that it may be too late.
Is there some sort of documentation to prove that this happened prior to your being employed there? If there is nothing in writing the general management rule of thumb is that the employee is thought to have done or not done what he/she is accused of. I am in management and I tell my nurses all the time, chart, chart, chart. Document, if they have documentation of what they did or did not do and why I will go to the mat for them. I hope everything works out for you. If this is a problem with this manager I would keep my own notes on events if I were you.

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